District Leadership and a Team from WFP for a site visit.

The District leadership together with a team from Water For People(WFP)an implementing partner held a supervision and site visit meeting for the ongoing construction of the projects in kayunga District.
WFP is a 3 Year project in Uganda aimed at accelerating access to improved sanitation and hygiene services using the market based approach.
WFP is constructing 7 blocks of lined VIP latrines in public institutions including :
1. Unisex latrine at lugasa HC III
2. Girls latrine at kawolokota p/s
3. Girls latrine at nkokonjeru p/s
4. Boys latrine at misanga p/s
5. Boys latrine at bihanga p/s
6. Girls latrine at St.Andrews busungiri P/s
7. Unisex latrine at Bbaale HC lV
The contract amount is UGX.434,485,371
The average progress stands at 49% and No payments have been done.
The Engineer expressed challenges of long distance with building materials and water table being near and excavation in rock.
The District leadership thanked the team for the generous contribution to the community.
They further registered their commitment and pledged maxmum cooperation towards progress of the projects.