
Ministry of Lands officials in a sensitization meeting with Stakeholders.

The Ministry of Lands Housing and Urban Development in partnership with UN habitats held a consultative meeting with stakeholders at the District Headquarters.


In attendance were Religious leaders, Cultural leaders, Police, political leaders,and technical staff. 


The purpose of the engagement was to formulate guidelines which can assist in formulating land conflict resolutions mainly customary land tenure. 


This is because the bibanja owners neither have certificates of tittles nor customary certificates causing challenges in managing ownership disputes. 


The District appreciated the Ministry organising this meeting. 

The outcome if put into consideration can Minimise the gaps in operations of area land committee, district land committee and other stakeholders.


District proposals included:


1. Policy review of the land act providing sanctions against members of the area land committee, District land committee and other stakeholders who get involved in fragrant land files.


2. Ministry of lands to regulate payment for area land committees. 


The official from the Ministry advised the team to officially write to the ministry requesting for Sensitisation on land matters.