UGANET semester two meeting at the District Headquarters.

The Uganda Network on Law, Ethics, and HIV/AIDS (UGANET) held its second semester meeting with District Human Rights Committee ,(D
HRC) members at the District headquarters.
UGANET is an NGO that was established in 1995 to join organizations and individuals interested in advocating and strengthening ethical response to health and HIV in Uganda.
Through TASO, UGANET is implementing the Global fund grant in 31 districts in Uganda for a period 2024 - 2026 aiming to support Uganda's HIV and TB reduction strategic plan.
DHRC 's main role is to document and support cases of human rights violation in the district working hand in hand with law enforcement officers, judicial officers, local leaders and health workers to improve service delivery for vulnerable persons.
Mr.kafeero Collins the Chairperson DHRC gave highlights on cases received and how they had been resolved and marked out hotspot areas for child abuse.
The dialogue resolved to sensitise Parents on child safeguard.