A Prosperous Community with all Households Accessing the Basic Needs of Life.
Coordinated Delivery of Services Focusing on National and Local Priorities for Equitable, Balanced and Sustainable Development
Serving the needs of the community through coordinated delivery of services focusing on national and local priorities for equitable, balanced and sustainable development.
Overall Goal
Provision of basic social services and requisite facilities to cause local economic development.
Medium-Term Development Objectives
• Increasing sustainable production, productivity and value addition in key growth opportunities;
• Increasing the stock and quality of strategic infrastructure to accelerate the district competitiveness;
• Enhancing human capital development especially the vulnerable groups
• To promote Local Economic Development within the district
• Promote equal opportunity to all people of Kayunga to benefit from the development
• Promoting Science, technology, innovation and Information and Communications Technology(ICT) to enhance competitiveness